Business Auto Insurance for Plumbers

A plumbers job requires frequent travel each day. You may drive to different work locations and job sites, or drive around picking up tools and supplies for current work orders. Whether your employees drive around in personal vehicles, company trucks or business vans, plumber’s auto insurance is an important type of protection that your company needs. Business auto insurance for plumbers protects your company if there is even an auto accident on company time. Auto accidents can cause extreme financial stress when your company vehicles are damaged or destroyed, or when your plumbing tools and equipment are ruined in the accident. If you structure your coverage well, your commercial auto insurance protects you from vehicle damages, equipment losses, or losses caused by collision accidents, theft or rollovers. Bodily injury coverage protects you or your plumbing employees by paying for emergency and medical care expenses.

Commercial Auto Liability Insurance For Plumbers

Liability auto insurance for plumbers protects the vehicles that your company uses for work-specific travel, even if it is a personal vehicle. Liability insurance protects you and other drivers when one of your employees causes an auto accident. This coverage limits the amount of losses or damages from an auto accident that you must pay for. It protects other drivers because it pays for their damages they weren’t at fault for. Liability auto insurance provides protection for you and your employees when you are driving for work reasons. Whether you’re driving to and from a jobsite or a certification training class, or picking up business materials and plumbing equipment, your plumber’s commercial auto insurance coverage is there for your protection.

Combined Single Limits

A combined single limit, or CSL insurance policy provides coverage that is set at one fixed maximum payout amount on a per accident basis. This policy does not limit payments based on the type of damages. It just gives you protection up to the total maximum amount that is specified in your policy. If, for example, an employee of yours causes an accident that hurts multiple people, most of your CSL benefits will be paid to injury payments since that is where it is needed the most.

Split Limit Policy

A split limit commercial auto policy limits the maximum amount of money paid out in benefits based on specific damages. Each state has specific minimum amounts of coverage you can carry and your policy determines the maximum payouts for property damages or bodily injuries separately.

For example, if you choose a split limit policy of $100,000/$300,000/$50,000 for your commercial plumber’s auto insurance:

  • Your policy would pay no more than $100,000 for each individual’s bodily injuries.
  • Your policy will pay no more than $300,000 for the combined total of bodily injuries.
  • Your policy will pay no more than $50,000 for the combined total of property damages.

Physical Damages Coverage

Physical damages coverage is extra protection to pay for the loss of your company vehicles. For example, your plumbing employees drives the company septic truck to a customer’s home but has a bad accident on the way. The truck may be beyond repair due to the damages. By carrying physical damages coverage on your business auto insurance policy, the cost of replacing that septic truck is covered.

Physical damage insurance coverage may include:
Other Optional Coverages