Plumber Insurance

Whether you're a business owner who just opened a plumbing business, or you've been working for many years, it's smart for plumbers to have plumber insurance that includes commercial auto insurance.

Think about the risks you face when you repair pipes or install a new hot water heater. There are fire risks when working with gas appliances. You might unknowingly use faulty materials and damage property. Accidents can happen that lead to medical expenses, even if you and your employees are careful workers.

Fortunately, having the right type of plumber business insurance can protect you, your employees, and your business. It can help you avoid catastrophic medical expenses, lawsuits, and more serious issues, like bankruptcy.

Plumber business insurance is also a good marketing tool. It tells potential customers that you're reputable and reliable. In fact, many customers require plumbers to have business insurance before they'll award a contract.

General Liability Insurance Policy

General liability insurance policies are very important to plumbers. They pay for accidents that lead to third-party claims of medical bills or property damage. You never know when an accident will happen and these can cost tens of thousands of dollars if someone gets hurt badly. 

Worker's Compensation Insurance

If you have employees, you must have workers' compensation insurance. This policy pays for the medical expenses and lost wages of employees who are injured while working for you. Limits do vary, but every employer should realize that they need some level of coverage. 

Tools & Equipement Coverage (Commercial Property Insurance)

When you are traveling from location to location, you need to have coverage that moves with you. Tools and equipment coverage is a type of commercial property insurance that does just that. So if your tools are stolen from your work van or job site, you have coverage. This coverage also allows you to get coverage for a trailer that you pull behind your commercial vehicle. 

Commercial Auto

Plumbers use commercial vehicles to get from client to client. This may be a work truck or van. Either way, you will need to have commercial auto insurance for the vehicle which is required by law. It is important to realize that personal auto insurance will not cover claims that happen while you are driving for business purposes. 

Plumber Business Insurance Cost

Protect your plumbing license with coverage from a top-rated insurance carrier. The cost of plumber business insurance depends on several factors, including your company's location and how many employees you have. To reduce your plumber insurance premium, you can consider raising your deductibles or purchasing a policy with less coverage. The average cost of plumber liability insurance starts at $55 per month or $900 per year.

Plumber Business Insurance FAQ

We’re big believers in keeping things simple, so ask us anything and we’ll answer honestly and without the jargon.

Why Do Plumbers Need Insurance?

Plumbing work comes with many risks. For example, an employee could accidentally damage a customer's home, or a worker could get hurt on the job. If your business gets involved in a lawsuit, it could be incredibly expensive. Plumber business insurance can protect you financially if you need to pay for property damages, compensate an injured person, or pay a court-ordered settlement.

What Are The Risks Facing Plumbers?

Installing and repairing pipes, working with hot water, digging trenches to connect new pipes or sprinkler systems… there are dozens of risks that you and your workers face every day. Insurance is essential because accidents can happen even if you and your employees are careful and follow all the right safety precautions.

Is Plumber Business Insurance Required?

Plumber business insurance is sometimes required, but the type of coverage required will vary. For example, some states and local municipalities may require general liability insurance for plumbing, contracting, or business licenses. Some landlords may require liability insurance to rent a business location.

In addition, most states require workers' compensation insurance for businesses with more than one employee, and commercial auto insurance is usually a legal requirement for all businesses with work vehicles.

There are several reasons why having it is crucial:

  • Client Requirements
  • Protection from Lawsuits
  • Worker Protection
  • Protection for Your Tools and Equipment

Are Monthly Payments Available For Plumbers?

Most Plumber policies are offered with monthly payments. Please keep in mind that a down payment is needed to purchase a policy. We're here to help once you're ready to purchase your Plumber General Liability Insurance.

What Are The Penalties To Cancel My Plumber Insurance Policy?

We don't penalize you when you want to cancel an insurance policy. When you cancel your Insurance, you are not required to pay penalties. You are, however, required to pay your premium dues up to the cancellation date. The remaining payments will be canceled after we receive a written cancellation request.

How To Get Plumber Business Insurance

There are lots of insurance policies that can be valuable for a plumbing company, and every business has different plumbing insurance needs. Before you purchase a plumber insurance policy, here are some things to consider:

  • Elect your coverages: Think about what type of insurance you need. For example, a one-man shop doesn't need workers compensation insurance, but if you work with one other person, this business insurance coverage is required.
  • Choose policy limits: Accidents from common risks happen more often than you think, and they can be very expensive. If you need to file a claim, you want to be sure you have enough coverage.
  • Decide on a deductible: The higher the deductible, the lower your premium is. But be sure to choose a deductible you could comfortably afford to pay in the event of a claim.
  • Get a quote: Many insurance companies provide online quotes with different types of coverage. Take advantage of online calculators to see what your premium will be with various levels of coverage. Get quotes from a few different companies so that you can find the best and cheapest coverage for your comprehensive coverage needs.
  • Speak to usYou probably deal with customers who only call you after they've tried to fix their plumbing problem themselves. It's the same with a business insurance policy. Be one of the smart plumbing professionals and talk to licensed agents who can answer your questions before you buy.