Professional Liability Insurance for Printers

Printers offer business services to other companies and consumers alike. Your expertise is important for book publishers, a corporation’s newsletter, and even a startup entrepreneur’s business cards. Customers bring their business to you because they trust that you know specialized skills and information that can get the job done. If mistakes are made when you provide services however, it can end up costing your customer a lot in both time and money. That’s why it’s important for you to carry printers professional liability insurance.

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General Liability

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Property Coverage


Professional Liability

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Workers Compensation

Printers professional liability is also known as Errors and Omissions, or E&O insurance. This coverage protects you financially and legally when customers allege that you made professional mistakes with the services you provided them. When customers file a lawsuit, you will spend time and money addressing the claims regardless of whether you actually made any professional mistakes.

For example, a new editing business may come to you to have their business cards printed. Later they may file a lawsuit against your company claiming that you printed a miss-spelling on their cards and that has cost them several business contracts because it looks unprofessional. If your company is not protected by printers professional liability insurance, you will pay for your legal defense costs out of your own pockets.

Depending upon the scope of your printers professional liability insurance policy, it can pay those litigation expenses for you. It can also pay you for losses in income that are caused by the lawsuit, and it can pay judgments, settlements or awards ordered by the court.