Non Emergency Transportation Insurance
Non-medical transport vehicles are essential part of your business. Your company may depend on delivery vans, trucks and similar equipment to transport clients to and from key locations. Whether your company uses transport vehicles to move people, materials and supplies around for your own company’s needs, or you provide transport as a business service to others, you cannot afford to lose one of those vehicles due to an accident.
Protecting your transportation vehicles with the right types and amounts of commercial auto insurance can prevent your company from suffering the financial losses associated with having to repair or replace a vehicle. It can also protect you from having to pay large medical bills when a customer or a third party is injured in an auto accident that involves one of your company vehicles. Some of the business auto insurance options you should consider include:
- Liability Insurance – Commercial auto liability insurance is the most basic level of protection you can provide for your company. It protects you from the expenses that arise when you or an employee of your company is at fault in an auto accident with one of your non-medical transport vehicles. Basic liability insurance is required by law in most states, because when a driver is found to be at fault for an auto accident that driver is legally obligated to pay the expenses that arise from the accident. Commercial liability insurance pays for the cost of medical expenses when someone is injured, the cost of property repairs or replacement, and it can pay for your company’s legal expenses when defending your driver involved in the accident.
- Bodily Injury – The bodily injury part of your commercial liability auto insurance policy pays medical expenses for other people who were involved in an auto accident that you or your employee is at fault for. Bodily injury will pay a maximum per person amount or maximum amount per accident. It covers medical expenses such as ambulance transportation and emergency room care, hospital stays, lab and radiology test fees and related medical bills. Bodily injury also pays for doctor’s visits for follow up care, and prescription drug costs for the injured party.
- Property Damage – When auto accidents happen, one or more vehicles normally sustains some level of damage. If you or your employee is at fault for an auto accident with a company transport vehicle, the property damage section of your liability coverage will pay for the costs of repairing or replacing the other party’s vehicle.
Medical Payments – Medical Payments coverage pays for the medical bills and expenses of your company’s driver and any passengers that were in the vehicle at the time of the accident. Medical payments coverage can cover medical related expenses regardless of who was at fault for the accident as well. Medical payments coverage availability varies from one state to another, so be sure to speak with one of our licensed representatives to determine which options are available for your company.
Physical Damage Insurance – Physical damages insurance protects your company trucks and vehicles from a variety of potential hazards. Physical damage insurance provides your company with the most protection you can get for your businesses vehicles. It is particularly important to carry when you have outstanding loans or leases on the vehicles your company uses.
- Comprehensive Physical Damage Protection – If one of your company transport vehicles is damaged from a non-collision event, the comprehensive damage protection option can pay for the cost of repairs. If a vehicle is stolen or vandalized for example, comprehensive protection pays for the repairs or replacement. Comprehensive damage pays for storm related events that bring debris down onto the vehicle and cause damage as well. It covers almost any hazard that might arise aside from collisions or roll overs.
- Collision Damage Protection – Collision damage protection prevents your company from having to shoulder the cost of repairs when an unexpected collision happens. If one of the company vehicles runs into a tree for example, or it is involved in a roll over due to icy roads, collision damage protection covers you.
- Specified Peril (CAC) – Fire and Theft with Combined Additional Coverage (CAC) provides your company with auto insurance for specific and limited types of hazards and perils. Depending upon how your policy is configured, CAC may provide protection against debris falling in a storm for example. It normally does not cover windshield damages however, and it also does not cover perils that are not specifically written into the policy.
Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist – When your company’s transport vehicles are involved in an auto accident where the other driver is at fault, the repairs or replacement of your vehicle depends entirely upon the amount of coverage that driver has. Some drivers do not carry basic liability insurance. If your vehicle is hit by another person who does not carry basic auto insurance, you are left to pay for the cost of repairs out of your own company’s pockets. Even when people do carry basic liability, they may not carry enough to pay for the damages they inflicted during the accident. When a vehicle or driver is not covered by basic liability insurance they are referred to as uninsured. When the vehicle or driver does not carry enough insurance, they are referred to as underinsured. You can protect your company from losses caused by these motorist by carrying uninsured and underinsured commercial auto coverage.
- Bodily Injury – The bodily injury section of an uninsured motorist policy makes sure that your employee’s and the passengers in your company transport vehicles are covered by medical insurance in the event of an accident. Bodily injury pays for medical bills, emergency care and follow up expenses when the driver at fault does not have any or enough bodily injury coverage to take care of it.
- Property Damage – Property damage coverage on an uninsured motorist policy is designed to protect your company from losses associated with property damage. When another driver is at fault in an accident their insurance is supposed to pay for the repair costs to your vehicle. If that driver does not have insurance or their insurance coverage is not adequate for paying all of the repair bills on your non medical transport vehicle, this section of your uninsured motorist policy will cover you.
- Collision Deductible Waiver (CDW) – When a company vehicle is involved in an auto accident and the other driver is at fault, your business insurance pays for the costs if the other driver is not insured. Since you and your employee were not at fault for the accident, you should not be required to pay your insurance deductible. If you carry Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury protection for your company vehicles, you can qualify for a collision deductible waiver, or CDW. The CDW allows your company to avoid the deductible payment if an accident of this sort arises.
Other Commercial Auto Coverage You May Want To Consider Includes:
- Rental – Rental insurance covers the cost of renting a replacement transport vehicle while waiting for yours to be repaired.
- Towing – Towing protection covers the cost of tow, in case your vehicle is disabled on the side of the road.
- Accessories – Your company’s transport vehicles likely have specialized equipment such as GPS navigation units and radios that allow them to communicate with the dispatcher and delivery coordinator. Protect those accessories from loss by adding this coverage to your business insurance policy.