Flooring Contractor Liability Insurance

Flooring contractors install floors for residential and commercial clients. As the owner of a flooring contractors business, you’re responsible for many different things. You must manage your company inventory, tools and supplies. You must schedule and manage your employees. You must manage each individual jobsite to ensure that there are enough employees and materials assigned for the job to be finished on time. Above all you must keep your customers happy and your business profitable. One important way you can help ease some of your responsibilities is by having general liability insurance for flooring contractors.

Bodily Injury Coverage

Bodily injury is part of your general liability insurance for flooring contractors that helps keep your customers protected. If an accident happens and one of your customers is injured, this coverage helps them. It can pay for their doctor’s visits, hospital stays and other follow up medical treatment and care if they are injured at your company’s location.

Property Damage Coverage

If you or one of your employees accidentally damages a wall while installing a new floor at a customer’s home, your property damages protection will take care of the repair costs. Property damages is the portion of your general liability insurance that protects customers if their personal property gets damaged at your company’s work site or place of business.

Products And Completed Operations Coverage

General liability insurance for flooring contractors also protects your company when something goes wrong with the products you sell or the services you provide. Products and completed operations coverage is the section of your policy that deals with these issues. If you sell a product that causes injuries, illness or other physical harm to your customers, this portion of your coverage will pay for the costs of medical and recovery care. If mistakes are made as part of the services you provide, those mistakes can later cause injuries and damages. Completed operations coverage protects you from those events.

Personal And Advertising Injury

Not all injuries are related to physical harm or property damages. Other types of injuries and claims against your company may be related to slander, libel, reputation damages, false statements, copyright or trademark violations and similar issues. Personal and advertising injury is the area of your general liability insurance that helps protect you when these claims arise. It pays for your legal defenses and if necessary it will also pay any settlements or awards.

Damage To Premises Rented To You

If your flooring company does not own its own buildings, structures and places of business then your company rents or leases space instead. Rental premises damages coverage is designed to protect the space and structures that your company leases or rents. In the event of fire, flood or other damages caused by your company, this section of your general liability insurance pays for the rental space and structures to be repaired.

Medical Expense Limit

General liability insurance for flooring contractors provides additional protection for injuries known as medical expense limit coverage. If a customer claims injuries at your business location and those injuries are minor, this section of your insurance can pay for the customer’s medical bills. This insurance helps prevent potentially larger lawsuits and allegations against your company in the future.

Limits Of Liability Insurance

  • Each Occurrence – Each occurrence is a per person and per claim limit.
  • General Aggregate – General aggregate is the total amount of all individual occurrences combined. Once your policy has reached this maximum limit it will no longer be able to pay additional claims.