Ambulance Insurance

Owning your own ambulance is a big investment in your company. Ambulances are owned by private ambulance companies, medical practitioners and specialists, and private hospitals or clinics. Other businesses may use ambulances to provide additional services to their customers as well.

Buying and equipping an ambulance is a very large investment. If the ambulance is involved in an auto accident your company may suffer severe financial losses. Paying the bills that arise from an accident and paying to repair or replace your ambulance may be more than your business can handle at once. Protect the ambulance instead, by covering it with the right types and amounts of commercial auto insurance.

  • Liability Insurance – Liability insurance is the basic level of insurance required by law. This coverage is designed to protect your company from lawsuits when your ambulance is at fault for an accident. It protects you from litigation because it covers the medical and repair bills for victims involved in the accident. Liability insurance protects you in two critical areas: Bodily injury and property damages.
  • Bodily Injury – The bodily injury portion of your liability coverage pays the medical bills and related expenses that arise for victims when your ambulance is at fault for an auto accident. If people suffer from injuries and need to be taken to the hospital for example, your bodily injury coverage pays for the transportation and related care. It pays hospital bills when accident victims must be admitted, it pays for follow up physician care and treatment, it pays for physical therapy, chiropractor care and any other treatments deemed necessary for recovery. Besides medical bills, bodily injury pays for a victims lost wages if they must take time off of work. It pays for pain and suffering. And it pays the funeral expenses if someone dies from the accident.
  • Property Damage – The property damages section of your liability insurance pays to repair or replace property that your ambulance damages in an accident. If a victim’s car is totaled in the accident for example, your property damages coverage will pay for the replacement.

Liability coverage comes in two forms. You can select the type of coverage you want when you set up the policy – combined single limit or split limit – and at that time you also select the amount of coverage desired.

A combined single limit liability policy will pay up to the maximum coverage amount per accident. A split limit policy sets maximum benefits based on bodily injuries and property damages separately.

Medical Payments – Medical payments coverage provides your ambulance driver and all passengers with medical coverage when an accident occurs. Benefits are paid for each person in the vehicle at the time of an accident regardless of who is at fault. This insurance is only available in some areas. Contact one of our licensed representatives to determine if it is available to, and appropriate for, your company’s commercial insurance policy.

Physical Damage Insurance – Physical damages insurance protects you from losses and damages of your ambulance. If your ambulance is stolen for example, or damaged in a wind storm, this type of insurance can cover the cost of repairs or replacement. This insurance is particularly important if your company leases its ambulance, or if it is still paying off the finance loan.

  • Comprehensive Physical Damage Protection – Comprehensive damage protection provides you with coverage for a wide variety of risks, perils and hazards. It does not protect you from damages and losses caused when your ambulance rolls over, nor when it collides with other objects. Instead it protects you from other risks such as theft, vandalism, break ins and damages caused by nature. If your ambulance is caught in a dust storm for example, and sustains multiple scratches from the blowing dust or debris, comprehensive damages coverage pays for the cost of making repairs.
  • Collision Protection – Collision protection is specifically designed to cover your ambulance when it runs into something, or when it rolls over. If your ambulance has a blow out on the freeway and rolls over as a result, collision damage protection will pay for the cost of the repairs.
  • Specified Peril (CAC) – Fire and Theft with Combined Additional Coverage (CAC) is also known as specified peril coverage. This insurance is limited in that it only provides you with protection and coverage for specific perils and hazards that are listed on your insurance policy.

Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist – When another driver causes an accident with your ambulance, that vehicle’s liability insurance is supposed to pay for your injuries and damages. When the driver does not carry insurance however, they are referred to as uninsured. When the driver does have insurance but it is not enough coverage to pay for the cost of your damages and injuries, they are referred to as underinsured. You can protect yourself from having to pay the repairs and medical bills out of your pocket by carrying uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage.

  • Bodily Injury – As covered with Liability Insurance.
  • Property Damage – As covered with Liability Insurance.
  • Collision Deductible Waiver (CDW) – When you carry uninsured or underinsured motorist bodily injury coverage, you can qualify for a collision deductible waiver. A CDW makes it so that you do not have to pay your standard insurance deductible when you make a claim for an uninsured or underinsured accident.

Other Important Commercial Auto Insurance For AMBULANCE Includes:

  • Rental – Rental insurance pays for the cost of a temporary replacement ambulance when yours is out for repairs due to an accident.
  • Towing – Towing insurance pays for the cost when your ambulance must be towed away from an accident.
  • Accessories (Ex: mileage meters, navigation units, radios) – The expensive accessories you have installed in your ambulance need to be protected from loss as well. Emergency radios and navigational units for example, can be protected with this coverage.