Workers Compensation Insurance for Dental Labs
Workers compensation for dental labs includes the following coverages.
Lost Wages And Medical Care
In the event that you have an accident in your dental lab, workers compensation pays for medical care and rehabilitation for any employees that are injured or sick. It will also pay for lost wages if an employee cannot return to work after three days.
Business Travel Protection
Most likely, your workers compensation for your dental lab only covers incidents which occur within the state where you operate. If you need to send an employee out of state on business, you need optional coverage in the event that they are injured while traveling.
Employer’s Liability
In unusual situations, you may find yourself sued by an injured or ill employee. The scenario is not typical because a worker does not need to prove that you were liable for an injury to receive compensation through your dental lab workers compensation insurance. As long as the injury occurred on the job, they are entitled. If the employee believes, however, that you were liable for the accident and can prove it, they may sue you. Your workers compensation protects you in this event by covering costs of attorney fees for your defense and damages if they are awarded.
Employer’s Liability In Monopolistic States
In a monopolistic state, your dental lab workers compensation business insurance must be purchased through a state fund. This means that compensation for employees who are injured in your lab come from this fund. If you are in a monopolistic state you may need to add employee’s liability, your coverage in the event that a worker sues you, as an option.
Legal Expenses
If you are sued by a worker who believes they can prove your liability in an incident that injured or made them ill, you may be facing steep legal fees. The costs of attorneys to defend you and investigators to determine the true liability can add up quickly. Your dental lab’s workers compensation should cover these costs. It will also help to pay damages if your employee sues you successfully.
Third-Party Suits
It is possible that a third party is liable for an incident at work. If your employee uses a piece of laboratory equipment that is faulty and receives an injury as a result, they may choose to sue the manufacturer of that equipment. The manufacturer, or third party, may in turn sue you if they believe you did not maintain the equipment properly. If this scenario occurs in your dental lab, workers compensation assists you with the resulting costs. The employer’s liability portion will pay for legal fees, attorney defense fees, investigative costs, and damages if the court awards them to the third party. It is comforting to have employer’s liability, even if it is difficult for an employee or third party to find you liable. This is because workers compensation is a no-fault insurance type. It is not impossible, however, to be found liable, so the coverage is important.