Professional Liability for Web Designers and Developers

Web designers and developers are a somewhat new business industry that has experienced massive growth since the year 2000. As a web professional, your customers may range from small mom and pop main street stores to large corporations with deep security needs. Each of your clients expects you to use specialized skills and knowledge when developing their websites and online applications. If mistakes are made, they can cost your clients large amounts of current or future income. Protect yourself from legal actions that might be taken by carrying web designers and developers professional liability insurance.

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General Liability


Professional Liability

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Auto Insurance

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Workers Compensation

Errors and omissions (E & O) insurance protects you from lawsuits that arise when you make professional mistakes. If your professional mistakes harm your customers financially then they may sue your company for those losses. Web designers and developers professional liability insurance is another name for E & O coverage. It is designed to help protect your company legally and financially when lawsuits arise.

If, for example, your company designs a secure shopping website for a large catalog company, they fully expect you to create something that keeps their customer’s credit card information secure. If you or your programmer accidentally forgets to remove a bug tracking backdoor, your customer’s website and application may be hacked into and have information stolen. The customer would sue your company for those losses. Web designers and developers professional liability protects you from allegations of this sort, whether your company is actually at fault for them or not.

Web designers and developers professional liability insurance can pay for your legal expenses and the time you must spend addressing the claims. Options on your policy can also include other benefits such as paying a customer’s settlement or award when needed.