Surveillance System Installer Liability Insurance

CCTV installer liability insurance provides several important levels of protection for your company and your clients. Whether you’re a sole proprietor or the owner of a multi-employee operation, you are responsible for maintaining smooth and profitable operations. Growing a successful company requires paying attention to many details, taking on a variety of responsibilities, and managing risks. Surveillance system installer general liability insurance helps you manage common risks effectively.

Bodily Injury Coverage

People often suffer injuries when an accident occurs, and surveillance system installer liability insurance can protect you from potential lawsuits when that happens. Bodily injuries and physical harm often need to be attended to by a professional. Whether emergency care or an unexpected doctor’s visit, the injured person may hold your company responsible. General liability insurance can pay for these services, while also paying for any related legal expenses you might incur.

Property Damage Coverage

When accidents happen at your place of business, personal property damages may result. CCTV installer liability insurance gives you a way to protect from these risks as well. If something happens to cause damage to your customer’s property, either at a remote jobsite or at your regular business location, this section of your policy pays for the property to be repaired.

Products And Completed Operations Coverage

Surveillance system installer general liability insurance also protects your company against potential problems arising from work completed in the past. Whether your installation services are believed to have caused an electrical short or a product you sold is later recalled, clients are likely to take legal actions against you because of the damages or losses that occurred. General liability helps pay for repairs if you lose the court case, and it helps pay for the attorney and associated litigation fees that come up while you’re defending yourself.

Personal And Advertising Injury

Surveillance system installer liability insurance protects your business against personal injury or advertising injury allegations. If a client, a supplier or other entity accuses you of making inaccurate statements that damaged their reputation for instance, they might file a lawsuit against you for the alleged harm. Similar accusations can arise because of an advertisement your company ran.

Damage To Premises Rented To You

When your company rents or leases workshops, storage areas or office spaces, the property owner will likely require you to carry premises damages coverage. CCTV installer liability insurance includes this, so that any structural damages or losses will be paid for. This section provides for common loss risks including fire.

Medical Expense Limit

When unexpected accidents cause relatively minor physical injuries, the medical expense limit portion of your surveillance system installer general liability insurance is an excellent benefit. It can be used to pay for basic care if a customer is not hurt badly. This is important because it allows you to offer fast compensation and often prevents future costly legal actions.

Limits Of Liability Insurance

  • Each Occurrence – General Liability insurance has a maximum benefit amount that can be paid per person on each claim.
  • General Aggregate – There is a maximum total amount limit of all benefits combined, regardless of the number of times a claim is made.