Painting Contractors Liability Insurance

Painting contractor liability insurance helps to protect your company from unexpected accidents and events. With this insurance, your business is able to concentrate on growth and profitability instead of worrying about how to absorb costly expenses that can come up if you are sued for injuries or damages to people and property.

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General Liability

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Property Coverage

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Auto Insurance

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Workers Compensation

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Tools Coverage

Bodily Injury Coverage

Bodily injuries is a phrase used to indicate that physical harm has occurred. When a person is physically injured in relation to your company or the work you’re performing, that person usually expects you to take care of the bills that are generated because of the injury. If they require hospital care for example, because your paint fumes made them sick, they will expect your company to pay for that hospital visit and any additional medical attention they may need. Liability insurance pays these and related bills, including those generated by legal actions against you or injuries sustained.

Property Damage Coverage

Painting contractor general liability insurance includes coverage for potential bills or legal activities that can result from damage that occurs to the customer’s personal property. If your company’s employee accidentally spills chemicals on an antique wooden floor for instance, it will likely cause irreparable damages. This section of your general liability insurance policy provides for those types of damages, by paying for your legal costs when you are accused of causing the damages, and by paying for repairs, replacements or other reparations ordered by the court.

Products And Completed Operations Coverage

Painting contractor liability insurance protects your company when issues come up in the future, that are related to products you’ve previously sold or services you provided to a customer in the past. If the products or services that you provided are deemed to have caused property damages after the fact, this section of your insurance policy provides the resources you’ll need. It can pay for your court costs, attorney fees and related reasonable legal defenses. If your company is found to be responsible for the damages, this section helps pay for repairs, replacements and other legal financial settlements.

Personal And Advertising Injury

Advertising injury accusations can be placed against your company when someone believes your marketing messages infringed on their intellectual rights, or when someone thinks you are not representing your products and services honestly. Personal injuries are often related to the reputation of an individual. If they believe you made slanderous statements about them for instance, they may sue you for the perceived harm. Painting contractor general liability insurance includes protection against both types of legal allegations.

Damage To Premises Rented To You

Painting contractor liability insurance provides protection to landlords and property owners, when your company rents or leases work premises. If the owner of the property later accuses your company of causing damages, such as being the cause of a fire, your liability insurance policy can cover you for those events.

Medical Expense Limit

Medical expense limit is a section of your painting contractor general liability insurance that allows you room to maneuver when someone gets physically hurt, but the injuries are minor. Instead of having to face an expensive lawsuit and settlement, you may be able to successfully offer to pay for medical treatments that deal with the specific injury that occurred, and help to mollify the affected person while preventing further action.

Limits Of Liability Insurance For General Contractors

The limitations of liability insurance for painting contractors is based on two specific things: Occurrence and aggregate. There is an upper limit maximum that your insurance policy will pay for each claim that occurs per person, and there is an upper limit to the total combined amount of payment that the policy will pay. For the aggregate, or total combined amount, the total number of claims filed is irrelevant.