Insulation Contractor Insurance

Insulation contractors may actually manufacture insulation products or they may offer contracting services to install insulation materials at residential or commercial locations. Both business models require a lot of upfront planning, monetary investment, and attention to the day to day operational details. Protect your company and everything you have worked so hard to accomplish with the right types of business insurance.

General Liability For Insulation Contractors

General liability is a broad level of business insurance protection for your company and its customers. General liability insurance pays for damages and injuries when accidents happen in various ways. This insurance grows with your company so that new locations, products and services are automatically protected from the moment you add them. Several of the key areas of coverage in a general liability policy include:

General Liability Insurance Includes:
  • Premises Liability – Premises liability protects your company from suffering severe financial hardship when accidents arise at your place of business. If a customer is visiting your insulation contractor facilities or if they’re at your onsite contracting location and they have an accident that causes them physical injuries, your premises liability insurance will pay for their medical bills. If a customer’s personal property is damaged at your workplace instead, then your premises liability can pay for the cost of repairs.
  • Products Liability – When you sell products to customers, there is the chance that one or more of those products will be defective or harmful to a customer. Whether the product is recalled due to manufacturing defects, or the materials in it are found to cause physical harm, your customers may sue your company. Products liability helps pay for your legal fees while also paying for your customers medical bills or related damages.
  • Completed OperationsvAfter you finish the contracted work your customer asked for, they may decide that the work you completed for them caused property damages or personal injuries. Completed operations insurance will pay for your legal defense costs in these instances, and it can pay the settlements, judgments and awards as well.

Business Owners Policy For Insulation Contractors

General liability insurance is included in a business owners policy, or BOP. A BOP provides you with direct protection for your business assets. This insurance is customizable, and can include coverage for tangible or intangible business assets. For example:

  • Buildings and Contents
  • Business Income and Extra Expense
  • Electronic Data
  • Newly Acquired or Constructed Buildings
  • Employee Dishonesty Coverage

Business Auto Policy For Insulation Contractors

Business auto insurance protects your company when auto accidents happen. It can pay for people’s bodily injuries and property damages, plus additional levels of coverage can protect your vehicles from losses due to theft or damages caused by natural events.

Workers Compensation Insurance

Workers comp insurance is required by law in most states. This business insurance protects your employees if they are ever injured while performing their job duties. Workers comp pays for medical bills and the costs of recovering from the accident.

Commercial Umbrella Policy

Umbrella insurance can give your company extra protection. If your other business insurance policies reach their maximum limitations on a claim, your umbrella policy can take care of the difference.