Fruit and Vegetable Juice Manufacturer Insurance
Fruit and vegetable juice has become increasingly popular in the last few years, so it should come as no surprise that the juice industry will likely see more growth in the next five years. The main reason for that is the increase in health-conscious consumers. If you want to feel as prepared as possible to serve more people in the near future, you need fruit and vegetable juice manufacturer insurance. Here’s the kind of coverage you can expect when you get it.
General Liability
General liability coverage can protect your business when someone is injured on your business property. For example, if someone takes a tour of your juice factory and slips on spilled liquid on the floor, you will probably be held liable for the resulting medical bills. But when you have fruit and vegetable juice manufacturer insurance with general liability, your policy will pay for that expense.
The same goes for when your business is somehow responsible for damaging someone’s property. Your policy would pay for any repairs. Also, if you are ever accused of committing slander or libel against another business, general liability will pay for your legal costs.
Business Owners Policy (Bop)
A BOP is important because it can protect your business property. For example, if a fire causes damage to your building, the BOP you have as part of your business insurance will pay for the repairs. It can also pay to fix any damage caused by other natural disasters, or even by vandals who spray paint, break windows, or otherwise destroy the building. In addition, a BOP will pay for accounts receivable, forgery and alteration, and the replacement of any furnishings that have been stolen or damaged.
Commercial Auto
Many fruit and vegetable juice manufacturers have to drive for business at some point, or even on a regular basis. No matter how often you drive for your business, you should add commercial auto to your fruit and vegetable juice manufacturer insurance policy. This way, if you cause an accident while driving for work, your claim will likely be covered, which is not the case if you just had a personal car insurance policy.
Workers Comp
When you own a business with one or more employees, you need workers comp as part of your fruit and vegetable juice manufacturer insurance. This coverage will pay for the medical treatment of any employees who are injured on the job. This ensures that they will not have to pay for their medical bills themselves, nor will they have to file a lawsuit against your business to get the money they need for their bills. Workers comp may even pay for any wages your employees lose as they recover, as well as long-term rehabilitation when necessary.
Excess Liability
General liability is an important part of your business insurance policy, but sometimes it’s not enough to cover a claim. That’s why you should add excess liability to your fruit and vegetable juice manufacturer insurance. Otherwise, you might have to pay out of pocket when a lawsuit is more expensive than your liability coverage’s limits.