Canned Specialties Manufacturers Insurance

Canned specialties manufacturers general liability coverage is vital to protect your business from many different kinds of issues ranging from accidents, protection of your buildings, to covering you in issues related to your products. Additional coverage through canned specialties manufacturer business insurance can be fully customized to protect the needs of your company from a range of lawsuits and other circumstances. Keeping your business assets safe and protecting the interest of you and your employees is simple with our insurance plans highlighted below.

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General Liability

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Property Coverage

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Auto Insurance

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Workers Compensation

Bodily Injury Coverage

Accidents happen, but this portion of your liability coverage protects you in the event you are sued. For example, a slip in your manufacturing plant or a bad reaction to a finished product – even mental suffering that can arise to a customer will be covered if your business is at fault. Any resulting legal and medical expenses that your business would have had to otherwise pay in full will be covered with bodily injury coverage.

Medical Payments

Under your canned specialties general liability insurance, others will be reimbursed for the medical or funeral expenses that occur after bodily injury (BI) or death, despite the policy owner’s liability, as long as the circumstances are within the conditions stated on the policy.

Property Damage

Your assets will be further protected under this portion of your liability if your company is at fault in regards to damaging property. Regardless of the location, whether at your place of business or another location, if your business damages property, you have coverage for the resulting financial and legal expenses.

Fire Legal Liability (Premises Liability)

Your manufacturing location and other structures you use for business purposes, subject to the “damages rented to you” limit, will have coverage under the standard commercial general liability, or (CGL). This portion of the policy is typically given as an exception to what is not included in the policy that applies to property under the policy holder’s care, custody, or control (CCC).

Products And Completed Operations

In the food industry, threats of lawsuits are always potentially a risk. Customers can sue if they are dissatisfied with your product, or if it harms them in any way. However, you will enjoy protection and peace of mind knowing products and completed operations has you covered.

Personal And Advertising Injury

If your company is sued for issues related to slander, libel, discrimination, and a range of other similar scenarios, you will have protection from legal fees and expenses.

Building Coverage

Canned specialties manufacturer business insurance will give you coverage to your building that you list on your BOP. This also includes any permanent changes and improvement, such as construction, that you make to your property.

Business Personal Property Coverage

Cover the important items inside your business that mean the most to you on your BOP. This could be equipment, file records, electronic data, and furnishings, as long as you elect to have them included on your policy.

Additional Coverage Available Under BOP

More coverage is available for Hire and Non-Owned Auto, Income and Extra Expense, Employee Dishonesty, and Inland Maine.