Book & Magazine Publishers

Publishing books and magazines is a wonderful way to make your mark on the world. Book and magazine publishers make big impacts in the lives of their readers, writers and editors. The number of impacts you can make rises each time you publish a new book or a new edition of your magazine.

With so many people relying on your company for information, entertainment and employment you need to make sure you have minimized every potential risk you can. Commercial insurance coverage can be tailored to meet the unique needs of your business while also growing along with you.

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General Liability

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Property Coverage


Professional Liability

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Workers Compensation

General Liability

General liability is comprehensive insurance coverage that helps protect you from injuries to customers, property damage, advertising and product liability. If a customer receives bodily injuries while at your publishing offices for example, general liability will take care of the damages. It also covers expenses if a customer’s property is damaged on your premises. General liability protects you from potential claims against advertising practices or copy you use in your business as well. It grows as you grow so that any new product

Business Owners Policy (Bop)

business owners policy, or BOP, provides you with general liability plus a number of other critical protection levels your small business may need.

  • Equipment Breakdown – Imagine the amount of money you could lose if your printing presses – or your publishing computer – broke right as you were trying to finish the most recent edition of your magazine. A BOP helps protect you from having to shoulder the expenses of repairing or replacing that valuable equipment.
  • Buildings and Contents – A BOP protects you from the losses caused by damage or destruction to your office building and the contents inside.
  • Business Income and Extra Expense – If your office is damaged extensively enough to cause you to have to rent temporary work space, a BOP can cover those extra expenses. If you must instead suspend your publishing operations while waiting for damage repairs or replacement of office equipment, BOP protects you from those losses of income.
  • Products and Completed Operations (Included in General Liability) – Despite the best of your ability, you may occasionally find that you have published information that causes harm to a customer in some way. If this happens, a BOP will take care of the customer’s damages.
  • Electronic Data – Modern book and magazine publishers do just about everything electronically. Losing critical data such as the final edition of a book could be very expensive to replace without the help of a BOP.
  • Newly Acquired or Constructed Buildings – As your business grows you may purchase additional office space or build new storage areas for your warehouse.
  • Valuable Papers Protection – The success of a publisher hinges on the contracts it holds with authors, editors, designers, distributers and more. If you lose critical paperwork such as these contracts, BOP can take care of recovery, restructuring or replacement.
  • Employee Dishonesty Coverage – Dishonest actions by your employees, such as stealing office supplies or committing computer fraud, can become quite expensive over time. Small businesses lose an estimated $400 billion each year from employee dishonesty. Protect yourself from those losses with your business owners policy.

Business Auto Insurance

Even if your publishing company rarely uses automobiles for business purposes, you need to protect it from potential auto accidents. Commercial auto insurance can cover company vehicles, personal vehicles used for business purposes, and rentals or loaners as well.

Workers Compensation Insurance

If you have any employees in your publishing business, you are required by law to carry workers comp insurance. This coverage helps pay an employee’s expenses if they are ever injured or made ill on the job.