Siding Contractor Liability Insurance

Siding contractor liability insurance gives your company and customers a number of different types of protection when accidents occur. Independent siding contractors and small businesses which have employees need this protection in order to successfully operate a thriving business. When accidents or legal allegations come up, this insurance policy makes it so that your company can address the issues without suffering the severe financial consequences often associated.

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General Liability

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Property Coverage

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Auto Insurance

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Workers Compensation

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Tools Coverage

Bodily Injury Coverage

Siding contractor general liability insurance helps limit your company’s direct risks when accidents cause bodily injuries. Bodily injuries, or physical harm, are often the result of unfortunate and unexpected accidents. One of your employees may drop a piece of siding from up high for instance, causing injuries to a bystander nearby. The bodily injury coverage in your insurance policy is there to absorb the expenses and costs that are likely to occur from the accident: such as getting emergency medical care, or paying for ongoing prescription medications or rehabilitative services.

Property Damage Coverage

Siding contractor liability insurance also limits risks to your company if property is damaged and you are held responsible for those damages. If the dropped siding gouges the front door of your customer’s home for instance, then this section of your insurance would pay for the needed repairs or replacement. Additionally, if your company is sued for damages, general liability helps pay for various costs associated with the legal process, including obtaining an attorney, conducting research or paying for investigative services and witnesses.

Products And Completed Operations Coverage

Siding contractor general liability insurance provides you with legal protection and financial protection if your company gets sued in relation to previous work services your company has performed, and in relation to products you may have sold to a customer. When a customer takes you to court because of damages their property has sustained, they may believe the previous work your company did or the products you sold to them were what caused the damages. This section of your insurance policy helps pay for your legal defense needs and pays settlements or damages if they’re ordered by the court.

Personal And Advertising Injury

Siding contractor liability insurance limits your risks of loss if you’re accused of causing personal or advertising related harm. Personal harm is often reputation based. When another contractor or private individual believes you made statements or took actions that caused them to suffer losses in reputation, and perhaps in business income, this section of your insurance helps with your defense. If you’re accused of doing something wrong in your company’s marketing and advertising messages, this type of litigation is included as well.

Damage To Premises Rented To You

The structures, property and premises your company rents or leases are protected from losses with the premises damages section of your general liability policy. As a tenant of the property, if you are found to have caused damages or started a structural fire, the owner of the property will expect you to pay for the repairs.

Medical Expense Limit

Siding contractor general liability insurance helps you reduce the chances of an involved and expensive lawsuit when someone gets physically injured, but those injuries are minor. A medical expense limit allows you to offer to pay for general treatments and first aid, which helps satisfy the person harmed so that they’re unlikely to take further actions against you.

Limits Of Liability Insurance For Siding Contractors

  • Each Occurrence – General Liability insurance limits benefit payouts to a total amount per claim and per person.
  • General Aggregate – There is a combined total maximum amount of benefits that will be paid, no matter what the total number of claims is.