Road Paving Contractor Liability Insurance

Road paving contractor liability insurance provides a way for your company to be prepared for common risks and hazards associated with doing business. Without this , you may find yourself quickly overwhelmed and unable to copy financially when things go wrong. Even when your company did not cause injuries or damages, you’ll still need to pay for defending yourself if the accusations are filed in court. If you are ultimately found to be at fault, you’ll have the added expense of paying for repairs, replacing destroyed property, or paying large medical bills that are the result of physical harm.

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General Liability

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Property Coverage

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Auto Insurance

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Workers Compensation

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Tools Coverage

Bodily Injury Coverage

Physical harm happens when you least expect it, and it can often times generate very large related bills. Whether a person gets injured while at your normal business premises or something happens at a job site that you are contracted for, that person may believe that your company must pay for their medical care. Bodily injury coverage is the portion of your general liability insurance that helps pay these and associated bills.

Property Damage Coverage

Road paving contractor general liability insurance protects you from risks associated with damage to personal property as well. Some accidents cause damage to tangible property instead of to people, yet there are still costs involved with providing replacement or repairs. If the customer’s property is damaged by your company, general liability insurance can pay for those repairs so that you don’t have to. It also pays to defend you in court if an accusation is made via a lawsuit.

Products And Completed Operations Coverage

Road paving contractor liability insurance mitigates risks that are inherent with selling products and providing services. When your contract is completed, there is no guarantee that problems will not come up in the future. If either problems or allegation of problems cause property damages, this section of your insurance policy provides the legal and financial protection you’ll need.

Personal And Advertising Injury

Road paving contractor general liability insurance pays for damages that are awarded by the court if your company is judged to be responsible for advertising or personal oriented injuries or loss. Personal injury litigation is common when another party believes your company engaged in slander or libel against them. Advertising litigation may incur if your company is believed to be misrepresenting its services, or when another party believes you infringed on their rights.

Damage To Premises Rented To You

Road paving contractor liability insurance limits the risk to other people who choose to rent or lease property to you. When you rent office spaces for example, or an equipment yard for your road paving machinery, the owner of that property needs assurance that they will not be left holding the bill if your company damages the premises.

Medical Expense Limit

Road paving contractor general liability insurance provides your company with a medical expense limit as a way to avoid full bodily injury lawsuits and expenses. When accidents happen that only cause minor injuries, this section of your insurance allows you to offer to pay for the basic medical care or treatment needed. By offering this, even when you’re not at fault for the injury, you’re able to avoid larger litigation and medical costs later.

Limits Of Liability Insurance For Road Paving Contractors

There are two primary limitations placed on a general liability insurance policy. One is specifically for each occurrence of a claim and the other is for the combined general aggregate, or total of all claims.