Professional Liability for Nail Salons

Nail salons are popular businesses for people of all walks of life. Women are particularly fond of nail salons because your services help make them feel beautiful, professional and sophisticated. As the owner of a nail salon, your customers expect you to be specially trained and have knowledge or skills above their own. If you make a professional mistake, your customers may sue your company because they felt you should know better. Protect yourself from risks like this by carrying nail salon professional liability insurance.

Nail salons professional liability insurance is another name for errors and omissions insurance, or E&O. This insurance protects your company from financial and legal issues that can arise when you make professional mistakes that harm your customers, or cause them losses. This insurance also protects you when lawsuits arise that you are not at fault for.

For example, a customer may visit your nail salon and ask you to put Halloween artwork on their nails. Later they may file a lawsuit against your company claiming that your artwork caused them to be declined for a new job. Even though their job acceptance was not likely affected by the professional work you performed, you will still have to spend time and money defending yourself and your salon against this lawsuit. Without nail salons professional liability coverage, you would be left to pay these expenses all on your own.

Your nail salon professional liability policy can be configured to provide you with varying levels of protection. It can, for example, pay for your legal defense expenses and lost wages due to time off work when dealing with legal actions. It can also pay awards and settlements to clients when applicable.