Georgia Contractor Insurance

In Georgia, there are 962,085 small businesses. Of those, 104,914 involve construction. If you’re the proud owner of a construction firm in this state, it’s time to find out how Georgia’s economy and various businesses have been doing. To start, take note that the real gross state product in Georgia grew at a fairly slow pace in 2013, with a growth of 1.8 percent rather than the 2.2 percent in growth that the USA’s gross domestic product experienced. (Source: BEA). However, the state’s private-sector employment statistics were better in 2014 than in 2013, since there was a growth of 2.9 percent. (Source: BLS). Check out what else you need to know to run a business here, such as how Georgia contractor insurance can assist you.

Georgia Contractors Need The Following Insurance

Coverage for Third Party (GL): If there is a chance that anyone besides your employees will visit your Georgia construction site, general liability is a necessity. This coverage can pay for the medical care people will need when they injure themselves at your place of business. Whether someone trips over some furniture in your office or gets cut by a sharp tool at your construction site, the general liability coverage that you have in your Georgia contractor insurance policy will pay for the ambulance ride, hospital stay, or doctor’s visit. It can even pay to fix any property damage, such as if a visitor damages his or her car after running over a pothole on your property.

Tools & Equipment Coverage (BOP): Tools and equipment can be expensive to fix or replace. That’s why your Georgia contractor insurance policy needs to include tools & equipment coverage. This part of your policy will pay to buy a new excavator, toolbox, or other important item in case it ever gets lost, damaged, or taken from your place of business. This applies whether you own or rent your tools and equipment.

Employee Coverage (WC): If your small business is one of the 15,596 Georgia construction firms with at least one employee, workers compensation should be part of your Georgia contractor insurance. This type of coverage exists in case employees are hurt at work, and in the construction field, this is a common occurrence. When you have workers compensation, you can rest assured that your employee’s medical bills will be paid for when he or she breaks a leg, loses a limb, or gets hurt in any other way. This coverage can also help make up for the lost wages that may result while your employee recovers.

Business Vehicle Insurance: Most contractors have to drive around to get to and from worksites, which means they need to add business vehicle insurance to their Georgia contractor insurance policy. This is important because personal car insurance policies do not work when you are involved in a car accident while driving for business purposes.

Bond: Adding a surety bond to your Georgia contractor insurance can ease the minds of anyone you do business with, because it essentially guarantees your work. This makes it more likely that you will live up to the terms of any contract you enter into.