E & O Insurance for Employment Agencies

Employment agencies provide very important services to both businesses and workers who are looking for a job. Your clients trust you to use your skills and expertise to provide just what they need, when they need it. Having big responsibilities to both business clients and potential employees can be daunting. If you make a mistake, many people can face financial losses or other sufferings. Employment agencies professional liability insurance is specifically designed to help you when mistakes arise.

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General Liability


Professional Liability

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Workers Compensation

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Errors and Omissions insurance (E & O) is another name for employment agencies professional liability coverage. This insurance provides you with very important protection if a business or employee client sues your company for professional mistakes. Even if your company is not at fault, you may still find yourself spending a lot of time and money defending yourself from legal actions.

For example, a business client may sue your employment agency with a claim that you did not perform an adequate background check on a daycare worker. Similarly, an employment candidate may sue your company for not giving them adequate notice for a job interview. Whether your company is at fault in either case for losses in income, professional damages or otherwise, you will spend time and money dealing with lawsuits of this sort. Employment agencies professional liability insurance helps protect you from both the legal and financial burdens these suits bring.

Depending upon how your policy is structured, employment agencies professional liability insurance can pay for your legal defense costs and the income you lose from being away from work while dealing with the lawsuit. It also pays for your client’s awards or settlements when applicable.