Insurance for Dental Offices

Dental offices bustle with activity each and every day. Multiple employees are busy taking care of their respective duties to the dentists and clients while multiple clients and their families are continuously streaming through the doors for your services.

With so much activity going on in your dental office, there are risks that accidents can happen. As a small business owner you have several obligations to mitigate those risks to your employees and your clients, so they can feel safe working in and visiting your dental offices. A variety of basic small business insurance policies are available that can help you provide the safety and security your employees and patients need, while helping you to know you have all of the bases covered.

general liability insurance icon

General Liability

property coverage icon

Property Coverage

commercial auto icon

Auto Insurance

workers comp icon

Workers Compensation


Professional Liability

General Liability

General liability insurance is an insurance option that helps you cover general problems you may not have previously thought of. If one of your client’s children runs around the office waiting room, trips and hits her head on a chair then needs to go to the hospital for stiches, general liability will cover those costs. Without this coverage, your dental office would be on the hook for paying the patients medical bills and you may have a potential lawsuit to deal with as well.

Business Owners Policy (Bop)

If disaster strikes your dental office building, does your company have the resources to relocate to another office temporarily while waiting for repairs or rebuilding? A business owners insurance policy is designed for just that type of scenario. It protects your company from the expenses involved with losing a critical office structure or losing the contents inside that structure.

BOP also adds additional coverage for basic disasters such as losing important patient computer data to a virus, or having one of your office machines break down due to a power surge.

Business Auto

If your dental offices use automobiles in any way for business purposes, then carrying business auto insurance is a prudent move to help protect you from dangers on the road. Commercial auto insurance covers the cost of medical care for anyone involved in an accident while commuting for business purposes, and it covers the cost of fixing or replacing a vehicle if it’s involved in an accident.

Workers Comp

When you have employees in your dental office, you are required by law to carry workers compensation insurance. This coverage is designed to help your employees pay for the cost of medical care if they are ever injured while on the job.

Surety Bond

Surety bonds are a type of insurance that provide a specific guarantee to your clients. Some surety bonds guarantee that you will perform a specific service in a specific way while others guarantee that you will charge a contracted price for the service or complete it in a specified amount of time. If you fail to fulfill the promises you made in a legally binding contract, the surety bond will pay your client money to cover their damages or loss that was caused by your inability to fulfill your contract.