Insurance Optometrists & Opticians

Optometrist’s primary focus and concern is on the care of their patients. You want to make sure your patients have the best vision they can. You are also responsible for ensuring your business runs smoothly and has the capacity to continue offering services to patients. You’ve invested heavily in time and money to get your degree and launch your business. Protect your tangible and intangible investments with commercial insurance that is designed to meet your optometry practice needs.

General Liability

General liability is comprehensive commercial insurance that protects you from a variety of potential liability suits. It protects against bodily injury to clients, personal property damage, product damages and advertising liability for example.

If a client comes to bodily harm while in your office, general liability will take care of the damages. If the client’s personal property is damaged in some way it takes care of that too.

Sometimes the products you sell bring harm to your clients. If a patient sensitive to the cleaning solution you use on their eyeglasses for example, and must seek medical treatment after using it, general liability will cover their expenses.

Business Owners (Bop)

An ideal solution for small businesses is a Business Owners Policy, or BOP. BOP is a combined commercial insurance package that includes general liability, property damage and loss of intangibles.

The property loss section of BOP helps your company survive the hardships created when you lose physical business structures and assets. If your optometry offices are damaged due to a natural disaster for example, BOP will cover the repair costs. If the equipment you have inside the offices is also damaged, BOP protects you from those losses as well.

You may have created a special decor style inside your offices and exam rooms to make clients more comfortable when visiting for example. If those furnishings are damaged or destroyed due to accidents or disasters, BOP protects your company from the losses.

Optometrists keep valuable paperwork inside their office buildings. If that paperwork is destroyed or damaged in a flood, the expense of reconstructing and replacing it may be exorbitant.

If your office keeps records electronically, or uses specialty software for diagnosing and treating your patients, BOP covers the costs associated with recovering, repairing or replacing those if they are damaged as well.

Professional Liability

Errors and omissions happen no matter how meticulous we are about the details. As an optometrist, a professional error or omission with your clients can have dire consequences. Professional liability is a commercial insurance option designed to limit your risks and losses caused by professional mistakes.

Commercial Auto

Business auto insurance works much like personal auto insurance does. It covers company vehicles, personal autos used for business, rented and loaned vehicles as well. If you have a mobile lab truck or you simply travel for business specific purposes, commercial auto insurance pays damages and losses due to auto accidents.

Workers Comp

If you have employees in your optometry practice you must also have workers comp insurance. Workers compensation is required by law so that your employees are protected if they ever have an accident while working.