Business Insurance for Bakeries & Pastries

Running a bakery or pastry shop comes with a lot of heart and hustle, but it also comes with its risks. Whether you’re whipping up croissants or cakes, bakery business insurance helps protect you from accidents that could affect your bottom line. From a customer slipping on a slick floor to equipment breaking down right before the morning rush, it’s important to have the right coverage in place.

General Liability For Bakeries & Pastries

General liability insurance is like your first line of defense. It covers claims related to property damage, injuries, and accidents that happen in your bakery. For instance, imagine a customer slips on spilled flour near the counter. If they’re hurt, general liability can cover their medical bills and any legal costs if they decide to sue.

Business Owner's Policy (BOP) For Bakeries & Pastries

A Business Owner's Policy (BOP) is basically a bundle deal—combining general liability and property insurance. It’s great for bakeries because it covers your building, equipment, and even inventory. If an oven catches fire and damages your shop, a BOP helps cover the repairs, lost income from having to close up shop, and replacing all the burnt supplies.

Commercial Auto Insurance For Bakeries & Pastries

If you’ve got a delivery van for your bakery or you’re transporting ingredients back and forth, you’ll need commercial auto insurance. This will cover you if there’s an accident while making a delivery. Say one of your drivers gets into a fender bender on the way to deliver a wedding cake—commercial auto insurance steps in to cover the damages to both vehicles.

Excess Liability For Bakeries & Pastries

Excess liability insurance, also known as umbrella insurance, gives you extra coverage when your other policies hit their limit. Let’s say your general liability policy covers up to $1 million, but a major lawsuit over an injury costs $1.5 million. Excess liability will cover that extra $500,000, so you’re not paying out of pocket.

Workers Comp Insurance For Bakeries & Pastries

Workers’ comp insurance is a must if you’ve got employees. It covers medical expenses and lost wages if one of your workers gets injured on the job. Picture this: a baker burns themselves on a hot oven tray. Workers’ comp helps cover their treatment, rehab, and lost income if they’re unable to work for a while.

Bakery Safe Practices

  • Regularly clean up spills and keep floors dry to prevent slips.
  • Ensure all baking equipment is regularly maintained and up to safety standards.
  • Train employees on how to safely handle ovens, mixers, and other tools.
  • Store ingredients properly to avoid food contamination.
  • Use proper lifting techniques when moving heavy bags of flour or supplies.

How to Get Bakery Insurance

With over 17 years of experience, USA Insurance knows the ins and outs of bakery insurance. We’ll help you find the best rate and the right coverage. You can request a quote and buy a policy online in less than 15 minutes—simple, fast, and tailored to your needs.