Insurance for Advertising Agencies & Marketing Firms

Running an advertising agency is fast-paced and exciting. The hours can be long and the demands can be stressful, but the end results are all the reward you need. Make sure your agency is protected from basic mistakes, unexpected disasters, and other potentially expensive problems before they arise. Small business insurance coverage can be custom designed to fit your advertising agency needs today, and into the future.

general liability insurance icon

General Liability


Errors & Omissions

workers comp icon

Workers Compensation

commercial auto icon

Commercial Auto

General Liability Insurance

General liability is a business insurance option that helps protect your company from losses due to unexpected events. As a comprehensive insurance coverage option, general liability helps protect your advertising agency from a number of potential problems. It protects you if a client is injured while in your office. It also helps protect your company from liability that may arise due to advertisements you create and damages caused from products you sell.

General liability insurance can be purchased by itself, but it’s much more effective when it is included in a business owners policy for small businesses like yours.

Business Owners Policy (Bop)

As an advertising agency, your business success depends upon the creative materials you design for your clients. Losing important client files and critical design software could be a financial blow that your company would struggle to recover from. A business owners insurance policy protects your business assets. It protects you from financial losses as well as losses to your physical business structures, equipment and furniture. It also protects you from losses or damage to computers, off site equipment such as mobile devices that you take to a client’s office for a design meeting. A BOP helps you recover or replace key documents, electronic data files and digital media that is critical to the success of your business.

Professional Liability Insurance

Even the best professionals can make mistakes. Tight deadlines and a stressful environment like yours increase the chances that mistakes can happen. Professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions, is designed to protect you and your clients from financial hardships caused by professional mistakes. If you accidentally omit a critical word in your client’s advertisement and they get fined by the FTC, your professional liability insurance can shelter you from having to absorb those costs. Having professional liability coverage for your advertising agency can help prevent your company from going under due to one simple honest mistake.

Commercial Auto Insurance

If you drive for any business specific reason, commercial auto insurance can protect your company from financial hardships due to auto accidents. Business auto insurance coverage protects company vehicles, personal vehicles that are being used for work purposes, and rental or loaned vehicles. The level of business auto coverage you have will depend upon the options you choose. Commercial auto insurance can cover losses from accidents, medical bills caused by accidents, and other auto damages or loss.

Workers Comp Insurance

If your advertising agency has employees, you must provide workers comp insurance for them. This is required by law in all fifty states. Workers compensation pays medical bills and related expenses if an employee is injured on the job.

Surety Bonds

Some advertising contracts are not available unless your agency is bonded. A surety bond guarantees that you will fulfill specific obligations that you agree to by contract. If you are unable to meet your contractual obligations, the surety bond pays your client for the damages or loss.

Call us today to discuss the unique small business insurance needs for your advertising agency.