Beauty Salon Liability Insurance

Beauty salons are an excellent business to own in almost any part of the country. Your business provides services to customers who want to present themselves in the best way possible. Your beauty salon might cater to primary women clientele or it may have a combination of men and women, all of whom look to you to provide them with the best beauty services possible. Owning a beauty salon keeps you busy managing the details of customers, employees, suppliers and general administrative tasks each day. Protect your company from suffering financial strain when accidents arise, with general liability insurance for beauty salons.

Bodily Injury Coverage

Bodily injury coverage is part of general liability insurance for beauty salons. This part of your coverage helps protect you legally and financially if a customer is injured at your salon. When an accident happens and causes physical harm to someone, bodily injury coverage will pay for the medical related expenses that are involved with their treatment and recovery.

Property Damage Coverage

Property damage coverage is also part of your general liability policy. This section of your policy protects you if a customer’s property is damaged when using the products or services you sold to them.

Products And Completed Operations Coverage

Your customers trust you to sell products and provide services that are safe and will not cause them harm. Sometimes products are defective however, or faulty in some way that causes physical injuries or property damages. General liability insurance for beauty salons includes products and completed operations coverage to protect you from these risks.

Personal And Advertising Injury

Personal or advertising injury claims arise are a risk every company faces. Claims of personal injury can include defamation of character, or claims that your company made false statements about someone. Advertising injuries may include copyright violations, unauthorized uses of logos or slogans, or improperly licensed photos. General liability insurance for beauty salons provides you with personal and advertising injury protection for these types of issues. This coverage can pay for your litigation expenses, or pay settlements and claims as necessary.

Damage To Premises Rented To You

If you rent your beauty salon business building or space inside of another building, the owner of the property may require you to carry rental property protection. Damage to premises rented to you can be included as part of your general liability insurance for beauty salons. This coverage will pay for the cost of making repairs or replacing the structure if your company does something that causes losses or damages.

Medical Expense Limit

General liability insurance for beauty salons can include medical expense limit coverage as protection against minor accidents and injuries. When small accidents cause minor injuries on your business premises, medical expense limit can offer to pay for the cost of treatment even if you’re not responsible for the harm. This coverage can protect you from larger lawsuits or legal claims in the future.

Limits Of Liability Insurance

  • Each Occurrence – Your general liability insurance policy limits the amount of maximum benefits it will pay on a per occurrence and per person basis.
  • General Aggregate – The total maximum combined coverage amount available on your general liability insurance policy is referred to as the general aggregate amount.