Arizona Pest Control Insurance

When you operate a pest control business in Arizona, you need to get the proper licensing from the Office of Pest Management. This agency is in charge of not only licensing, but also educating local businesses and enforcing state and federal laws regarding pesticides. Once you are in contact with this agency, it’s time to obtain an Arizona pest control insurance policy. Find out what it needs to cover if you want to run a successful pest control business in the Southwest.

Arizona Pest Control Companies Need The Following Insurance

Business Liability Insurance (GL): In the pest control industry, you should plan on visiting numerous houses and businesses to help your customers get rid of pests of all kinds. Clearly, this type of job requires you to come into contact with people every day, most of whom will be nearby while you’re spreading pesticides around the property. This means there’s a good chance someone will get hurt in your workspace, and at that point, you’ll be relieved to find that general liability will pay for their medical bills. Whether a customer ingests dangerous chemicals or trips on your work equipment on their property, the liability coverage of your Arizona pest control insurance policy will pay for their medical treatment. This is also the case if you have an office or storage area where you keep your equipment and supplies, and a visitor is hurt there.

Business Personal Property Insurance : When you get Arizona pest control insurance, you need to make sure BPP is added to it. This is because BPP will protect any properties you use for your business. Whether you have a formal office, a storeroom, or a computer that you need for your pest control company, you deserve to know that you can quickly fix or replace it if it is damaged, and BPP makes sure of that.

Workers Comp Protection : Many Arizona pest control businesses employ more than one person, which often means they need workers compensation as part of their business insurance. Whether you employ a few people to spread pesticides around customers’ properties or have a full staff that includes a receptionist and salesperson, workers comp is recommended. This way, if an employee is injured or becomes sick due to chemicals, heavy equipment, or other workplace dangers, their medical needs will be paid for by your Arizona pest control insurance policy. And if they need to take time away from work after they are injured, they can get some or all of their missed income paid out by insurance, thanks to workers comp.

Umbrella/Excess Liability : When the industry you’re in requires you to work with chemicals, you need excess liability when you get business insurance. When you combine excess liability with your Arizona pest control insurance policy, you can feel confident that any incidents that take place on your business property will be covered by insurance. That’s because the point of excess liability is to supplement your general liability coverage in case anyone is hurt or damages their personal property while they’re in your workspace.