Grocery Distributor Insurance

If you’re in the grocery distribution industry, you should brace yourself for the growth that is coming to this field. According to experts, you can expect to see about a 3% increase in sales every year for the next 15 years, which is impressive considering that grocery distribution is already a $180 billion industry. Clearly, it’s a good time to start your own business in this field, but first you need to obtain a grocery distributor insurance policy with the following coverage types.

General Liability for Grocery Distributors

When you work in the grocery distribution industry, your business insurance policy needs to include general liability. This is because there is always a risk of someone hurting themselves or damaging their property while at your place of business. For example, a food delivery truck could slip on wet pavement in your parking lot, or a client could fall while visiting your warehouse. In such cases, you will be glad to have liability coverage that pays for any medical treatment, repairs, or even lawsuits stemming from these incidents.

This part of your grocery distributor insurance also covers the legal defense costs that are necessary if you are accused of libel or slander by other businesses. Without liability coverage, you would have to pay out of pocket for legal assistance.

Business Owners (BOP)

You need a business owner’s policy if you want to protect business property of any kind. For instance, if a fire destroys the building where you run your business, your BOP will pay for repairs. If you lose any belongings as a result, the policy will pay to replace them. The same goes for vandalism, robbery, or other issues that might destroy your business property. Other types of coverage in the BOP include sewer and drain backup, accounts receivable, and forgery.

Commercial Auto Coverage For Grocery Distributors

In the grocery distribution industry, traveling by vehicle is a regular job duty. Regardless of the number of food trucks you use for your business, you need commercial auto insurance for each one. Otherwise, any accidents you or your drivers cause will not be covered, since personal auto insurance does not apply when you use your vehicle for business purposes.

Workers Comp Insurance For Grocery Distributors

Most grocery distribution companies have dozens of employees. Whether you have a few or hundreds, you need workers comp in order to protect yourself, your business, and your employees. People who work in this industry could be injured in various ways, such as dropping heavy boxes on their feet or getting into car accidents on the job. With workers comp, your employees do not have to worry about paying to see a doctor or get rehabilitation services after an injury, since your business insurance policy will pay for it.

Excess Liability

If you want to avoid losing your business due to a costly lawsuit, add excess liability coverage to your grocery distributor insurance. This expands the amount of money your liability policy can afford to pay out when you are found financially responsible for an incident. Without it, you could end up in debt after a lawsuit.