Professional Liability Insurance for Graphic Designers

Graphic designers provide services to other businesses primarily. You may design business cards and brochures, or create a company logo and full brand. Graphic designers often create the look and feel of advertisements and Internet websites as well. With such a wide range of responsibilities, your customers rely on you for specific skills and expertise. If you make a mistake in your services, it could cost them a lot of money. That’s why it’s important for you to carry graphic designers professional liability insurance.

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General Liability


Professional Liability

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Workers Compensation

Graphic designers professional liability insurance is also known as E&O, or Errors and Omissions. This coverage protects you from financial hardships that can arise due to lawsuits and legal actions against your company. Whether you make a professional mistake or not, there is a risk that a customer will claim that you did. When customers take legal actions with such claims, you will spend time and money defending yourself.

For example, your customer might request that you create an entire brand for their new company. Later they may file a lawsuit against you claiming that the artwork you used for their logo was not properly licensed and that has harmed them financially. Without a graphics designers professional liability insurance policy, you will be left to pay for your legal defense in the case alone.

With a graphics designers professional liability policy, depending upon the level of coverage you have opted for, your legal defense costs will be covered for you. This insurance may also pay for your income losses due to time off work while in court. It also pays awards, settlements or judgments to clients when warranted.