Delivery Services Insurance

Owning a delivery services business means you’re constantly on the move. Your company’s success relies on you and your employees continuously being in action. A delivery service business must handle all of the day-to-day duties at the home offices while also juggling employee schedules, customer needs and schedules, and other supplier’s schedules as well. Protect all of the hard work and effort you have put into growing your delivery services by making sure you have the right types of business insurance coverage.

General Liability

Commercial general liability insurance is the base insurance that you should have for your delivery services company. This insurance coverage is designed to protect you from the risks that arise on a daily basis, whether you expect them or not. General liability grows with your company so that new services, locations and assets are protected automatically.

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General Liability

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Property Coverage

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Auto Insurance

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Workers Compensation

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Tools Coverage

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Delivery Van Insurance

General Liability Insurance Includes:
  • Premises Liability – Premises liability coverage is part of your general liability package that protects you from accidents on your business property. If a customer is injured while at your business location for example, your premises liability coverage will pay the medical bills that result from those injuries. Premises liability can also pay for damages and repairs to customer’s property, whether the damages occur on your premises or at a job location.
  • Products Liability – Products and advertising liability coverage is another part of your basic general liability protection. This insurance protects you from financial hardships that can be caused when a product you sell is defective. It also protects your company when problems arise with your advertising campaigns. Products and advertising liability pay for the cost of legal defense when necessary. It also pays customer suits and settlements when damages or injuries occur.
  • Completed Operations – Completed operations coverage pays for damages and injuries that arise due to services you have rendered or completed. If for example, your delivery services business delivers a batch of packages to another company according to contract but it is later found that you delivered the wrong packages, your customer could suffer from losses or delays in their business. If they sue you for the damages, your completed operations coverage can pay those costs and related defense fees.

Business Owners Policy

General liability insurance is included with another common type of small business insurance known as a business owners insurance policy (BOP). A BOP can be tailored to provide just the type of coverage you need for your delivery services company. Most of the coverage in a business owners policy focuses on protecting your tangible and intangible assets from loss. Examples include:

  • Buildings and Contents
  • Business Income and Extra Expense
  • Electronic Data
  • Newly Acquired or Constructed Buildings
  • Employee Dishonesty Coverage

Business Auto

Delivery services companies drive continuously as part of their day-to-day business operations. Business auto insurance pays for medical bills and expenses when a person in injured in an auto accident, and it pays for the cost of repairs to your company vehicles or other vehicles that are involved in an auto accident.

Workers Compensation

Workers compensation insurance is required by law in most states. This business insurance protects your employees if they are ever injured while performing their work duties. Workers comp pays for the employee’s medical and recovery care created by the work-related injuries.

Commercial Umbrella

Commercial umbrella is business insurance that is designed to provide you additional coverage above and beyond the maximum policy limits of your other business insurance policies.