Business Insurance for Obstetricians

Gynecologists and Obstetricians provide important services to their patients, staff and community. Patients trust you to treat medical problems that are unique to woman while also tracking them important aspects of staying healthy. Whether women visit you for specific treatments and problems, or as a general well-being routine, they trust your knowledge, experience and skills. When accidents or unexpected events occur, they can shake that level of trust that you’ve worked so hard for. They can also put your business at risk of suffering severe losses. Protect yourself and your practice against potential risks with business insurance for obstetricians.

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General Liability

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Property Coverage

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Workers Compensation

Commercial Liability Insurance

General liability insurance provides you with a broad range of business protection. It is designed to protect your patients and customers as well as your gynecology practice. When an accident at your offices causes physical injuries for example, general liability insurance can cover the cost of medical treatments. Without this basic level of protection your company has to pay for damages directly. Commercial general liability will expand its coverage as your practice grows. This means that if you add a new gynecology office, it is automatically covered under your existing policy. A few of the primary types of protection you’ll receive include:

General Liability Insurance Includes:
  • Premises Liability – Having a stream of patients flowing through your offices is great for the bottom line. If someone has an accident while they’re there however, the effects can be devastating. Premises liability is provided as part of your general liability insurance policy to help limit the direct impact of accidents. It pays for the costs of treating physical injuries for example, and for the expense of repairing or replacing damaged personal property.
  • Products Liability – When you sell gynecological products to your patients you can be held legally liable if those products are defective. Products liability coverage protects you legally by paying for your litigation expenses. It also helps financially by paying for expenses that arise due to injuries, illness or related damages.
  • Completed Operations – Sometimes problems don’t arise until after you have finished providing services to your patients. When the patient feels that your services caused them harm, they may sue you. Completed operations coverage pays for your litigation expenses and pays for the related settlements or awards.

Business Owner’s Policy

BOP stands for business owners policy. This is another very useful form of small business insurance that works to protect your company from loss. When you purchase a BOP for your gynecology practice it will include general liability by default. It will also provide direct protection for your tangible and intangible business assets. You can tailor this coverage to limit loss risks in specific areas. Examples of options available include:

  • Buildings and Contents
  • Business Income and Extra Expense
  • Electronic Data
  • Newly Acquired or Constructed Buildings
  • Employee Dishonesty Coverage

Workers Comp Policy

It is a mandatory requirement in most states to protect your employees with workers comp insurance. When a job related accident causes injuries or illnesses, this insurance pays for their care. It covers expenses related to emergency first aid, hospitalization, prescriptions, physical therapy and related things needed for recovery.

Professional Liability Or Malpractice

Malpractice Insurance or Professional liability takes care of you and your patients if you make professional mistakes. It pays damages and expenses for your patients when they must seek treatment due to mistakes. It also pays for your legal costs when allegations arise.