Business Insurance for Bowling Centers

Operating a bowling alley involves providing enjoyment and social connection while also facing risks that need to be managed effectively through insurance coverage designed to safeguard your business against potential liabilities such as accidents or property damage associated with food services offered on site whether you run a cozy neighborhood bowling alley or a spacious center with numerous lanes; having the appropriate insurance, in place ensures the smooth operation of your business endeavors.

General Liability For Bowling Centers

General liability insurance provides protection for your bowling alley against risks such as injuries to third parties or damage to property, including incidents that may occur to customers during their visit, to your establishment.

Claim Example: An instance where a patron stumbles and gets hurt while descending the stairs to their designated area can be mitigated through general liability coverage to address their expenses and potential legal charges if they opt for legal action.

Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) For Bowling Centers

As a business owner's policy (commonly known as BOP), it merges general liability coverage, with property insurance into a package—an ideal solution to safeguard your business against property loss and claims from third parties.

Claim Example: A fire that broke out in the kitchen resulted in damage, to the snack bar section but a Business Owners Policy (BOP) could assist with the repair costs and replacing any affected equipment or stock items.

Workers Comp Insurance For Bowling Centers

WC insurance provides protection for your staff members assisting with medical expenses and income replacement in case of on the job injuries, a crucial benefit for staff, at bowling centers who may handle heavy objects or operate hazardous machinery.

Example situation where an employee injures their back while relocating bowling balls from the storage section to the lanes, which would be covered by workers compensation for their expenses and a part of their income, during their recovery period.