Window Blinds & Shades Manufacturer Insurance

Having proper liability and business insurance coverage to protect your business is important. By protecting your assets in the event of litigation and accidents, you can be assured that your drapery, window blinds, and shades manufacturer general liability insurance coverage will protect the business you have built.

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General Liability

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Property Coverage

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Auto Insurance

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Workers Compensation

Bodily Injury Coverage

Bodily injury coverage includes covering expenses due to an injury when your business is at fault. This could include a fall at your manufacturing plant, a reaction or injury due to one of your window coverings, or even mental suffering that is caused by your company or someone who is associated with your business.

Medical Payments

Your drapery, window blinds, and shades manufacturer general liability insurance will reimburse those who have suffered injury or death regardless of the policy holder’s liability. Coverage for resulting medical or funeral expenses will apply as long as the conditions of the accident are specified in the policy.

Property Damage

Damage inflicted to another individual’s property that occurs either at the place of your business or at another location, such as delivering window blinds to a client’s home, will be covered under property damage protection.

Fire Legal Liability

Drapery, window blinds, and shades manufacturer general liability insurance will cover liability for damage to the building structures, including garages or other structures that the tenant occupies. This coverage is usually given as an exception to what is excluded on the policy which applies to the property in the policy owner’s care, custody, or control (CCC). The standard commercial general liability (CGL) policy states that the fire legal liability of the policy owner is covered, subject to the “damage to premises rented to you” limit.

Products And Completed Operations

Business owners are unfortunately always at risk of litigation when they provide products to the public. If the product damages property or it harms someone – whether physically or mentally – clients can and do sue. With products and completed operations as a part of your drapery, window blinds, and shades manufacturer general liability insurance, you will be protected if a lawsuit is brought against your company.

Personal And Advertising Injury

In cases when an individual claims libel, slander, discrimination, or other similar claims against your company, you can have peace of mind when you are covered with this portion of your general liability that protects you from expenses you may incur from litigation.

Building Coverage

Drapery, window blinds, and shades manufacturer business insurance provides coverage for your vital buildings and structures that you use for day to day business operations when you list them on your policy. This also includes any improvements that you make through the years as long as they are permanent in nature.

Business Personal Property Coverage

This portion of your drapery, window blinds, and shades manufacturer business insurance usually refers to what you store inside your buildings. If you elect this coverage, you may list the things that are most important to you like your equipment, important electronic data, and materials.