Professional Liability for Animal Groomers

Animal groomers are luxury industries that are not fully subjected to downturns in the economy. Your customers want their beloved pets to look their best in good times and bad, and they trust your company to make that happen. However, if you make a mistake with a customer’s pet, that mistake can cost them in terms of income losses, pain and suffering, or other damages. Protect yourself from potential lawsuits by carrying animal groomers professional liability coverage.

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General Liability


Professional Liability

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Workers Compensation

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Commercial Auto

Animal groomers professional liability insurance is also known as errors and omissions (E & O) insurance. This coverage is meant to help protect you from the financial hardships that can arise when a customer sues your company for professional mistakes. Even if you are not at fault for the alleged error, you will still have to pay for your legal defense.

For example, a customer may file a lawsuit against your company with claims that you cost them prize income because their dog did not win a show event. A customer brought their prize-winning poodle to you for a wash and blow dry, and you provided these services without a mistake. By filing the lawsuit however, the customer forces you to spend time and money with your legal defense. Without an animal groomers professional liability policy you would have to pay those expenses out of your own pockets.

Depending upon the level of coverage you choose, your animal groomers professional liability insurance policy can pay for your litigation expenses when lawsuits arise. It can also pay you for income losses that are caused when you’re away from work dealing with the lawsuit. It also pays settlements and awards to your clients in the event that you are found to have made professional mistakes.