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If you’re a Millennial who owns a business, you’re not alone, considering that Millennials have started twice as many businesses as Baby Boomers. And you probably have a Facebook page for that business, since Millennials use this social network more than the members of any other generation. So how can you make your Facebook page a success as a Millennial business owner? These tips can help.

  1. Let Page Insights Guide Your Posts

Facebook tries to make it easy for business owners to track their progress through Page Insights. This tool breaks down post engagement so you know how many people have seen your posts, as well as how many likes, comments, and shares each post has gotten. In addition, Page Insights will show you the demographics of each person who has liked your page, such as their location, age, and gender.  This way, you know if your posts are popular among your audience, or if you need to improve them.

  1. Target Your Audience

Now that you know a few details about your audience, you can use that information to target your posts as needed. If you want to make sure people with a particular age, gender, or geographic location see your post, you can set up targeting by going to Settings and clicking Post Targeting and Privacy. Then once you write your next post, you can go to the bottom left part of the status update box and click on Add Targeting, which will target your post toward people based on their gender, location, age, education level, language, interests, or relationship status. So whether you want to target fellow Millennials on Facebook or people who live within a few miles of your business, this tools makes that possible.

  1. Be Strategic About Your Posting Schedule

Whether you post on Facebook once a week or twice a day, you need to post consistently so your audience knows what to expect from your page. If you’re not sure when to post, you can check out Page Insights to see which days and times your audience is most active on Facebook so you can schedule posts then. You can also take the more general advice of experts who say that the best times to post on Facebook are:

  • Wednesdays from 3 pm to 4 pm
  • Thursdays and Fridays from 1 pm to 4 pm
  • Saturdays and Sundays from 12 pm to 1 pm

Even as a Millennial, you’re probably not on Facebook during those exact days and times. But you can still post on those days by scheduling your posts ahead of time.

  1. Keep Your Posts Appealing with Images and Videos

It’s important to post pictures on your Facebook page. In fact, content with related images gets 94 percent more views than those without. Clearly, images are a big deal. Videos are, too, with more than 50 percent of marketers agreeing that video has the best ROI. So make sure all or at least most of your posts have an image or video for your audience to enjoy.

  1. Include the Right Features in Every Post

Pictures and videos are not the only features to include in your posts on Facebook. Most of the content you post on your Facebook business page should also include a link to your website or other social media pages so you can get more traffic there. You should also include a call to action in each post. This could be as simple as adding “Click here” with a link to your site, or “Like what you see? Buy this product here.” And if your goal is to boost engagement on your Facebook business page, end some of your posts with a question for readers to answer in the comment section.

As a Millennial business owner, do you use any of these tips on your Facebook page already, or do you have any others to add? Feel free to let us know!

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